Τhe European COST Action CA2012 BenBedPhar Athens (February 8-9, 2024) meeting “Building bridges between academy and industry around NRF2-based therapeutics”, will be organized both in person and online and aims at increasing interactions between academia and industry around drug development pipelines for NRF2-related therapeutics. https://benbedphar.org/6th-benbedphar-scientific-meeting/
For online participation and registration: Webex will be used (valid for both days) during the meeting for those attending online:
You may need to install the Webex software (if not used before). When you connect for the first time the software will install automatically.
Venue of the meeting: The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, History Museum, Athens, Greece (Room: “Krispi”), located at: Tholou 5, Plaka, 10556 Athens. The Athens University History Museum is located in one of the oldest residential buildings still standing in Athens today. The building dates long before the 18th century and it is situated beneath the imposing heights of the Acropolis with a panoramic view of the old city centre
We are looking forward to welcoming you all online or in Athens,
The Organizers:
Ioannis Trougakos. Professor, The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Management Committee)
Antonio Cuadrado. Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain (Action Chair)
Santiago Cuevas. Principal investigator, BioMedical Research Institute of Murcia, Spain
(Management Committee, WG4 leader)